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Author Guidelines

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Articles should be between 5,000 to 6,000 words, inclusive of in-text citations but exclusive of reference list and abstract. Abstracts should be maximum 300 words.

Book Reviews


Style Guide for Authors

Journal of Contemporary Issues in Open, Distance, and eLearning follows the usage of the American Psychological Association 6th or 7th edition.


Incitation and Reference

Use in-text parenthetical citations for incitation. For example,

(Flavin, 2012), (Munyao, 2023), (Miller et al., 2020).


Use reference list

For example,

Flavin, M. (2012). Disruptive Technologies in Higher Education. Research in Learning Technology Vol. (Issue No): Page range

Munyao, M. (Ed.). (2023). Online Learning, Instruction, and Research in Post-pandemic Higher Education in Africa. Lexington Books.

Miller, G. E., Ives, K. S., & Moore, M. G. (Eds.). (2020). Leading the eLearning Transformation of Higher Education: Leadership Strategies for the Next Generation. Stylus Publishing, LLC.


General guidelines

Interested authors are advised to submit their manuscripts in electronic format in MS Word (Times Roman, Size 12, spacing 1.5) by email to . The articles should meet the following requirements:

i. Title page with a short running title, full names of author, the author's institutional affiliations and email contacts for the corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk

ii. Abstract (300 words) and keywords

iii. Main text should be between 5,000 - 6000 words

iv. Brief acknowledgments where financial and material support should also be mentioned and can contain grant and contribution numbers

v. References - The complete reference list should appear alphabetically by name at the end of the paper. Reference journal articles, article by DOI, book, book chapter and online documents accordingly.

vi. Tables (each table complete with caption, numbered, placed in the text and footnotes)

vii. Figure in superior quality electronic format well captioned, numbered and well placed

viii. Appendices (if relevant) - Figures and supporting information should be supplied as separate files and will be published after the references.

ix. Permissions - If author includes figures that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format.

x. Ensure that graphics are clear, legible, and easy to understand. Use labels, annotations, and captions to provide context and explain the significance of the graphic. Integrate graphics seamlessly with the text, placing them close to the relevant sections.

xi. Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations



For contributions in English, authors may adopt either American or British spellings or other local regional spellings (as long as they are consistent within the manuscript). EXCEPT for British English, do the following:

  • Use ‘ize’, not ‘ise’ (even for shorter words like realized)

  • Don’t use ‘st’ after ‘whilst’ or ‘amongst’ – change to ‘while', ‘among’

  • Don't use ‘spelt’ or ‘learnt’ – change to ‘spelled’ and ‘learned'


  • Ellipses are 3 dots with spaces between, before and after: . . . instead of …

  • Two spaces may be used between sentences and after colons.

  • Possessives: when a name ends in s, add an apostrophe and an -s-, e.g., Jesus’s, Moses’s and Epaphras’s.

  • Quotation marks: “double” around speech, ‘single’ for speech within speech, single for ‘special’ words, and “double” for titles of articles and other titles not requiring italics.

  • Hypens, -, are used for hyphenated compound terms and hyphenated names; e.g., twenty-one, old-fashioned, self-confidence, all-powerful.

  • En-dashes, –, are used for ranges; between numbers or days; e.g., 37–38 or 1998–2016.

  • Em-dashes, —, are used when a sentence requires a dash, indicating a break of thought; they function similarly to parentheses.

  • Use Oxford commas for lists.

Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. Title and Abstract: Provide a clear and informative title that accurately reflects the content of the article. Include an abstract that summarizes the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of the study in a concise manner.

  2. Introduction: Introduce the topic of the article and provide background information to contextualize the research. Clearly state the objectives or research questions guiding the study.

  3. Methods: Describe the methods and materials used in the study in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to replicate the work. Include information about study design, participants, data collection procedures, and any statistical analyses performed.

  4. Results: Present the findings of the study in a logical and organized manner. Use tables, figures, and/or graphs to effectively communicate quantitative data. Provide descriptive statistics and, if applicable, inferential statistics to support the results.

  5. Discussion: Interpret the results in relation to the study objectives and existing literature. Discuss the implications of the findings and any limitations of the study. Consider alternative explanations and future research directions.

  6. References: Cite relevant literature to support the rationale for the study, describe previous research in the field, and provide context for the findings. Follow the journal's citation style consistently and accurately.

  7. Figures and Tables: Ensure that all figures and tables are clear, well-labeled, and easy to interpret. Provide captions that succinctly describe the content of each figure or table.

  8. Ethical Considerations: Declare any potential conflicts of interest, sources of funding, or ethical approvals obtained for the study. Ensure that the research complies with ethical standards and regulations.

  9. Language and Style: Write clearly and concisely, using appropriate language and terminology for the target audience. Proofread the manuscript for grammar, spelling, and typographical errors.

  10. Formatting Requirements: Format the manuscript according to the journal's guidelines for layout, font, spacing, and margins. Pay attention to requirements for headings, subheadings, and section numbering.

  11. Supplementary Material: If necessary, include supplementary material such as additional data, analysis code, or multimedia files to support the findings of the study.

  12. Publication Fees: Generate a PDF file for the evidence of payment and upload it along with your article.

Publication Fees

  • DoLPAK Members - USD 50 
  • DOLPA-EA Members - USD 50
  • Non members  - USD 150

Payment Modes

Mobile Money

MPESA Pay bill 247 247
Account number 028381


Bank Deposits
Equity Bank 
Ongata Rongai Branch
Account Name: Distance Open and e-Learning Practitioners Association of Kenya 
Account number 

Theme: Disruptive Technologies in Open, Distance, and e-Learning in Educational Institutions

Journal Tracks

Bridging the Digital Divide, Ensuring Inclusivity and Equity

Bridging the Digital Divide, Ensuring Inclusivity and Equity

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.